Monday, November 7, 2011

On Being Grateful

The goal for writing about gratitude was to simply cultivate a greater understanding of what it means to have a grateful heart.
Until recently, I'm not sure I knew exactly what it really meant to be grateful. Don't get me wrong, I've felt deep appreciation and sincere thanks but nothing like this. This has brought me to my knees in tears. Literally left speechless (and if you know me, that's quite an accomplishment).
My cup overflows.

It's not just the financial support we have received for the adoption, it is more than that. It's realizing that after a year that has shattered my sense of self and balance, that has made me question my sanity and ability to survive, after all of that, there is a story. And as I shakily try to put together the pieces of that story and create a new one, people reach out. They respond. And pray. And encourage. What an incredible gift that is.

"Thank you" doesn't even begin to cover it.

1 comment:

  1. Seth and Megan, what an incredible journey you are on!
    I love to read your blog and see how God is molding and shaping you Megan. you are a great writer! thanks for sharing your journey with us.
